

2024-04-07 11:23 匿名     
史地小学生 2024-04-07 15:00

类似的还有 disorder,syndrome


  1. 疾病(Disease):指身体组织或器官功能异常的一种情况,通常具有明确的临床表现、病因和病理生理特征。疾病可以是由感染、遗传、环境等多种因素引起的,如癌症、糖尿病、心脏病等

  2. 病症(Condition):是指身体或心理上的异常状态,但不一定符合特定的疾病定义。病症可能是疾病的先兆、症状、并发症或并存疾病,也可能是一种病理生理状态,如高血压、贫血、焦虑等

  3. 适应症(Indication):是指一种治疗方法、药物或医疗器械被批准或推荐用于治疗特定的疾病或症状的情况。适应症通常是根据临床试验和研究结果确定的,用于指导医生如何正确使用药物或治疗方法。例如,一种药物可能被批准用于治疗特定类型的癌症,这种癌症就是该药物的适应症。

2024-04-08 09:16 ggxwtt     


  1. Disease(疾病): 疾病是指一种具体的健康问题或医学状况,通常具有特定的症状、体征和病因。疾病可以是急性的,也可以是慢性的,并且通常需要通过医学诊断来确认。例如,糖尿病、高血压、心脏病等都是具体的疾病。疾病的概念通常用于描述个体或群体的健康状况,以及疾病的发生、发展和转归。

  2. Condition(病状): 病状是指个体的健康状况,它可以是疾病的一种表现形式,也可以是其他非疾病因素导致的健康问题。病状通常描述的是个体的生理或心理状态,可能包括疾病的症状、功能障碍、生活质量的下降等。例如,"chronic pain condition"(慢性疼痛状况)可能涉及多种疾病,也可能与多种因素相关,如伤害、手术、压力等。

  3. Indication(适应症): 适应症是指药物、医疗设备或治疗方法适用的特定疾病或病状。在药物研发和医学实践中,一个药物或治疗方法会针对特定的适应症进行研究、审批和使用。适应症的定义通常基于临床试验的结果,这些试验证明了药物或治疗方法在治疗、预防或缓解特定疾病或病状方面的有效性和安全性。例如,某种抗癌药物可能被批准用于治疗特定类型的癌症,这就是它的适应症。

2024-04-07 14:24 xunger     

在医学和药物研发领域,"disease"(疾病)、"condition"(病症)和 "indication"(适应症)这三个术语经常被使用,它们各自有不同的含义:

  1. Disease(疾病)

    • 疾病是指一种特定的医疗状况,通常具有特定的症状、体征和病因。
    • 它是由生物过程的异常或病理变化引起的,并且通常会对个体的健康和功能产生负面影响。
    • 例如,糖尿病、高血压和癌症都是常见的疾病。
  2. Condition(病症)

    • 病症是一个更广泛的术语,可以指任何影响个体健康的状态,包括疾病、伤害或其他健康问题。
    • 它不一定指代具体的病理过程,有时也可以指一种长期的健康状态或临时的医疗问题。
    • 例如,慢性疼痛可以是一种病症,它可能由多种不同的疾病或伤害引起。
  3. Indication(适应症)

    • 适应症是指药物、医疗设备或治疗方法被批准用于治疗、预防或诊断的具体疾病或病症。
    • 它是药物开发和监管审批过程中的一个关键概念,指定了药物的市场定位和使用范围。
    • 例如,某种药物可能获得用于治疗特定类型的乳腺癌的适应症,这意味着它被批准仅用于这一特定情况。


2024-04-07 14:45 Ellie_Liu     


Disease, disorder, condition, syndrome – what’s the difference?



"Diseases" are specific things. They are labels for concepts of ill health in which we think we know that "mechanism A causes symptoms B." The titles for a story, you might say.

"Parkinson's disease" is the title of a story that says that if you lose more neurons in deep parts of the brain than usual, you get this set of symptoms that can include tremor, rigidity etc.

"Pneumococcal pneumonia" is the title of a story that says that these microbes called "pneumococcus" have infected your lungs, causing symptoms that can include cough, fever, etc.

There remain a few diseases whose underlying cause we're not yet clear about. So in many such cases, we simply mention a symptom, preceded by the modifying word "essential" = "we don't know the cause." One example is "Essential Tremor."

"disorder" simply means something is not working right. Parkinson's disease is indeed a "disorder" of a part of the nervous system, because that part doesn't work right. My car has a vibration because there is a disorder of my wheel alignment. You get the drift ...

A  " condition"  is a state of being. It can refer to how severe a disease is ("his  condition  remains critical"); to something that falls just short of a disease ("the  condition  of being poor"); how healthy someone is ("she is in great  condition!"). There are a few other meanings, but these seem most relevant to health.

syndrome is a bunch of symptoms that often occur together. Many diseases can cause the same syndrome. For example, fever and a sore throat is a very common syndrome. It can be caused by diseases as different as bacterial pharyngitis, the flu and cancer of the larynx.



2024-04-07 15:12 史地小学生     

disease  疾病

condition 健康状况

indication 适应症

2024-04-07 15:37 阳光蒲照