对于CEP微小变更也就是欧洲常说的IB类变更,这类变更一般都是30天的审评期限,需要和CEP分类为Notification (按照AN提交,12个月)也就是IA类的变更区分
(PA/PH/CEP (04) 2, 7R corr) lists different notifications and associated conditions, and that any change not classified as a notification or a major change should be classified as a minor change by default (with the exception of editorial changes for which specific guidance is given in the policy document). If the change cannot be classified by the document and specifically as a notification, a minor revision (by default) should be submitted. Any submission of a notification which includes changes not classifiable as a notification will be rejected and the changes will then need to be resubmitted using the correct classification (with associated documentation and fee)