在美国21 CFR 207.1中对生产商的定义(如下):
Manufacturer means
a person who owns or operates an
establishment that manufactures a drug or an animal feed bearing or containing
a new animal drug. This term includes, but is not limited to, control
laboratories, contract laboratories, contract manufacturers, contract packers,
contract labelers, and other entities that manufacture a drug, or an animal
feed bearing or containing a new animal drug, as defined in this paragraph. For
purposes of this part, and in order to clarify the responsibilities of the
entities engaged in different operations, the term manufacturer is defined and
used separately from the terms relabeler, repacker, and salvager, although the
term “manufacture, preparation, propagation, compounding, or processing,” as
used in section 510 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, includes the
activities of relabelers, repackers, and salvagers. Repackers, relabelers, and
salvagers are subject to the provisions of this part that are applicable to
repackers, relabelers, and salvagers, but are not subject to the provisions of
this part that are applicable to manufacturers. When not modified by “domestic”
or “foreign,” the term includes both domestic manufacturers and foreign
CFR 314.3中对持有人的相关定义(如下):
ANDA holder is
the applicant that owns an approved ANDA.
Applicant is
any person who submits an NDA (including a 505(b)(2) application) or ANDA or an
amendment or supplement to an NDA or ANDA under this part to obtain FDA
approval of a new drug and any person who owns an approved NDA (including a
505(b)(2) application) or ANDA.
可见ANDA 持有人系指拥有已获批准的ANDA的申请人。而对于申请人,简言之的核心意思是:提交 NDA(包括 505(b)(2) 申请)或 ANDA,包括增补等的任何人。
CFR 314.420, Drug Master Files和FDA发布的DMF工业指南(Drug
Master Files
for Industry,draft)描述,DMF持有人(holder)系指向FDA提交DMF资料的权属人。
DMF是用来提供有关一种或多种人用药品的制造、加工、包装和贮藏中使用的设施、工艺和物料的详细机密信息的一份文件,也称药物主文件。DMF的提交并无法律和FDA的规章的必需要求,提交与否完全由持有人自行决定。DMF没有批准与否,只有当经过备案的原料药被其他厂商使用时,FDA才会启动审核。 另一方面,制剂厂家需要引用DMF,需要持有人签署授权信给制剂申请人后,对方才可以引用。